Eagle Creek Picks Second Quit Your Job and Travel Winner
June 4, 2019

Denver, Colorado (June 4, 2019) – Austin based Liz Schepel, who has worked with undocumented minors for the past nine years will now get to travel to Latin America to learn more about the birthplace of many of the kids she works with and how they got to the U.S.
As the second of six lucky winners who get to travel anywhere in the world, courtesy of longtime travel gear brand Eagle Creek, Austin-based Liz Schepel has always wanted to get deeper into her work.
As a social worker who works with undocumented minors mostly from Latin America, Liz hasn’t taken a lot of time to travel herself. However, when Eagle Creek’s nationwide Quit Your Job and Just Go Travel Tour recently passed through Austin, Liz tracked down the auditions and gave contest organizers a compelling reason to get her out there.
“It’s been a really hard year, and working with those kiddos has been my life for the last nine years,” said Liz, wiping back tears, when she found out she was one of six people chosen out of hundreds of participants. “A lot of the kids we work with are from Honduras, where I studied for two semesters in college, and I’m eager to get back there so I can understand better where they came from and get back to my ‘why’.”
Eagle Creek launched the contest to award six working professionals around the country the chance to travel anywhere in the world after learning 700 Million vacation hours go unused a year. As travelers themselves, they know that travel can enhance your life and research proves traveling makes you a better worker, and even twice as likely to get a raise. They wanted to help inspire the thousands of Americans who are overworked to just get out there.
“We are so excited to help Liz reconnect with her true passions and continue helping build a better world,” said Monica Rigali, Director of Marketing at Eagle Creek. “Liz is one of those rare candidates who is already unlocking the wonders of humanity, building bridges instead of walls, and we’re proud to be able to support her journey, knowing it will touch the lives of so many.”
The Quit Your Job Tour has four more audition stops that go through July including Chicago (June 8 at Uncle Dan’s), Portland (July 13 at Portland Luggage), and San Francisco (July 27 at The Sports Basement).
*To enter, you don’t have to quit your job to travel. However, Eagle Creek is encouraging people to take those vacation days, and just get out there. They’ve built a whole resource site with sample out of office messages, resignation letters and useful tips like how to save for travel, couch surfing etiquette, and how to travel for less. Find these and more on their website.
Visit Eaglecreek.com/QuitYourJob for more information and find the nearest audition location today.
As Seen on: KTLA, Matador Network, Thrillist, Gear Junkie
Eagle Creek is the original inspirator of getting outside – outside the familiar and the well-worn paths. We inspire journeys that lead us outside our comfort zone toward new levels of understanding, growth and connection. We exist to serve all generations of travelers, backpackers, jet-setters, and weekend nomads looking for something deeper, something greater. This insight informs the products we make, the places we touch, and the people we meet to unlock new perspectives in our shared explorations of life. Eagle Creek. Find your unknown.
Alli Noland
Terra PR