
GU Energy Labs Teams Up with Verde Brand Communications

June 2, 2016

Berkeley, Calif. (June 2, 2016) – GU Energy Labs announces Verde Brand Communications as its public relations agency of record. Verde will work with GU to help athletes unlock the power of nutrition planning to fuel breakthrough performances in endurance activities and beyond.

“Like our team at GU, Verde is a group of motivated athletes,” said Adam Chamberlain, Vice President of Marketing at GU Energy Labs. “Understanding firsthand the importance of what you eat before, during, and after athletic activities is key to being able to communicate GU’s value proposition. Verde is a perfect partner for us. We’re looking forward to teaming up to execute some really exciting initiatives and deepen our connection to our community of runners, cyclists, triathletes and other outdoor athletes.”

With a renewed focus on grassroots marketing in 2016, GU is also thrilled to lever Verde’s footprints in epicenters of endurance culture. “Historically, we built the business by making a difference in one athletic performance at a time. Moving forward, Verde can help us directly activate our partnerships with local running, cycling and tri club athletes and race series. We look forward to racing and sharing these meaningful experiences together with the Verde team in the incomparable intermountain west,” said Chamberlain.

GU Energy Labs was founded in Berkeley, California, in 1993, by Dr. Bill Vaughan. Inspired by his daughter, a competitive ultra-runner, Vaughan created a revolutionary way to keep athletes fueled during exercise and called it GU Energy Gel. Since then, category-leading GU Energy Gel has fueled countless athletes to victory with a core formula that features a glycogen-sparing mix of rapidly absorbed simple and complex carbohydrates and essential amino acids that help reduce muscle damage and promote mental focus. GU’s commitment to helping athletes has grown into a full spectrum sports nutrition program that answers the questions of what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat with products that deliver nutrients in portable and easy to consume form factors.

“Verde is so honored and inspired to be working with such an innovative leader in sports nutrition,” said Kristin Carpenter-Ogden, founder and CEO of Verde Brand Communications. “GU provides athletes with the nutrition needed to be successful and take performance to the next level. We’re excited to help energize GU by ensuring that more athletes understand the value of proper nutrition utilizing the proven and evolving GU product line.”

About GU Energy Labs

GU Energy Labs strives to help athletes to reach their highest potential with products that deliver the right nutrients, in the right amounts, at the right time. Developed in collaboration with Olympians and age groupers alike, the GU nutrition matrix of Hydration, Energy and Recovery products has helped countless athletes achieve their dreams since its inception in 1993. Headquartered in Berkeley, GU Energy Labs produces all of its Energy Gels onsite with just the right blend of heart and science. Recommit to becoming your best athletic self, learn more about GU products, and discover how nutrition planning can help you get there at www.GUEnergy.com.

About Verde Brand Communications

With offices in Jackson, Wyoming, and Durango and Boulder, Colorado, Verde Brand Communications exists to bring expansion to our clients and inspiration to the outdoor active lifestyle consumer. Verde is a full-service brand communications firm offering services in traditional and digital public relations, brand strategy, marketing, paid media and consulting. Verde serves clients in the outdoor, cycling, snowsports, endurance, travel, active lifestyle and consumer electronics markets, as well as the Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) markets. For more about Verde Brand Communications, visit www.verdepr.com.