Hyperlite Mountain Gear Dials In Commitment to Trails, Partners with CDTC, PCTA
February 10, 2016

CEO Mike St. Pierre,
On February 3, Hyperlite Mountain Gear cemented partnerships with two of the largest trail organizations in the United States—the Pacific Crest Trail Association and the Continental Divide Trail Coalition.
“We’re committed to getting outdoor adventurers into the mountains and onto the trails because that’s where they achieve their most optimal selves,” stated CEO Mike St. Pierre. “So it only made sense to invest in two of the most important organizations to thru hikers and backpackers.”
“The PCTA and CDTC successfully mobilize tens of thousands of donors, members and volunteers to preserve and protect two of America’s most iconic trail systems,” added CFO Dan St. Pierre. “We hope that by joining their communities we can help raise awareness of the important work they do.”
According to Peter Sustr, Corporate Relations Manager for the CDTC: “Creating a better trail system such as the Continental Divide Trail requires team work, partnerships and collaboration. Hyperlite Mountain Gear shares our common values and dedication to the protection and preservation of the CDT. We are proud to partner with such an exciting brand.”
Likewise, added Angie Williamson, the PCTA’s Director of Philanthropy: “Hyperlite Mountain Gear’s support of the PCTA and CDTC demonstrates a commitment to long-distance hiking trails and the long-distance hiking community. Thanks to this company’s support, PCTA will have increased capacity to keep the PCT open for the countless hikers and equestrians that use it each year!”
Hyperlite Mountain Gear is not about bells and whistles, nonessential features or the latest trending colors. The company builds gear that’s exactly what passionate outdoor adventurers need and nothing more. This simple idea drives their design and innovation technologies. It informs the materials and fabrics they use. And it’s the very basis of their commitment to building packs, shelters and accessories that enable their customers to increase their speed, distance and efficiency. Hyperlite Mountain Gear’s goal is simple—to arrive at the ideal balance of strength, weight and performance to create gear that’s bombproof and foolproof. For more information, please visit our website, or email Lizzy Scully, lizzy@hyperlitemountaingear.com.